Saturday, April 28, 2007

week 3 phone call

I completed this weeks assignment with Lucy. She played the role of an employee looking for an increase in salary, I was the manager. She presented very good information supporting her request for a 5% pay raise. She noted her high levels of productivity, exemplary skill set and great work ethic. I replied by making sure she knows that the organization recognized and appreciated her hard work and it had not gone unnoticed. She is a valuable asset to the team at the company, and I would take the steps necessary to make sure she continues to be. I am not aware of many companies that would simply hand out a 5% pay increase on the spot based on a request. I noted that the organization has procedures in place that are designed to build a pay scale...these involve performance reviews and evaluations. However, I did assure her that she had my support and that I would do what I could to expedite the review process.
This is a conflict that occurs in the workplace as often as any other issue. There is no way to handle all these conflicts i the same way. Each case should be decided on its own individual merits based on what is best for the employee and the company.

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