Thursday, April 12, 2007

Personal work style handout

I sat down and took some time to complete the "Assessing your Personal Work Style" handout for the class and the results say...
-The DISC assesment points out that I am a "S"...I compared that to one of the links in the handout and it says that S's are Steadiness: Sympathetic and Cooperative.S's are helpful people who like working behind the scenes, performing in consistent and predictable ways, and being good listeners.
-In the Tieger Assesment my personality types were I (Introvert), S (Senser), T (Thinker) and J (Judger)
-My NLP style is primarily Visual, but I only scored a 6 and the other 2 scores were somehwhat equal...
-And my 2 primary conflict management styles are the Avoiding Turtle and the Collaborating Owl

Overall I am not really surprised y the results of these tests, for tha most part they echo the way I feel about myself. Although I can't say I am really happy with the Avoiding Turtle...there are positive aspects to that particular characteristic, but I think it would be beneficial if that wasn't my primary trait.

1 comment:

RLee said...

I see that you are not happy about being the "avoidance turtle." You're right about it having positive aspects. B,ut if you want it to be more of a secondary style then it is good to acknowledge your current tendancies in order to change them to reflect what you want them to. If you had a choice what would your primary style be?